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Rider Story

How to ride safely in snow?

May 27, 2023

In the cold winter, nature covers the ground with snow, making life more challenging for people. However, for cyclists, this does not mean they cannot enjoy the joy of riding. In this blog, I will share with you my story of how to safely ride in the snow.

I love riding in the cold winter. At that time, I just got a SUWAY electric bike. I chose it mainly because it can adapt to various terrains and weather conditions, and it is very stable. Of course, this is also because it has a powerful battery life and reliable braking system, so when my friend suggested that I slow down and forcefully insert the rear wheel to maintain balance, I was very interested.

We decided to try this technique in the park. When we arrived at the park, we were surrounded by white snow scenery. First, my friend showed me how to ride safely in the snow. She suggested slowing down to the lowest speed, forcefully inserting the rear wheel to keep the tire close to the ground, and maintaining balance.

Then we started riding, feeling the unique experience of riding in the snow. As we rode slowly, I realized that people should avoid sudden changes in direction or braking, as this could cause the vehicle to lose control. In case of emergency, you can use the handbrake to slow down, or only use the rear wheel when braking and turning to maintain balance.

In addition to some basic skills, such as reducing speed and maintaining balance, I also need to learn more advanced skills to spin and turn. My friend told me that when riding in the snow, I should slow down before turning and use the center of gravity to control the direction of the bike. If you want to turn left, move your center of gravity to the right and steer the front wheel to the left. Conversely, if you want to turn right, move your center of gravity to the left and steer the front wheel to the right.

After several practices in the park, I felt that I had learned a lot. Not only could I control the direction of the bike, but I could also accelerate and turn. I found that riding in the snow requires more advanced skills than riding under other road conditions, but it also makes people feel more excited and satisfied.

In conclusion, riding in the snow may be dangerous, but as long as you have the correct skills and preparation, you can ensure safety and enjoy the joy of riding. Choosing an electric bike suitable for snow riding, such as SUWAY, is also very important. Because it can ensure that your riding experience is very stable and safe, and you can easily drive in the snow. Let us enjoy this beautiful season and ride together with our friends in the snow!